5 Down: Administrative Law
The exam: 4 questions - we had to pick three of 'em - 3 hour exam
Worth: 100% of the final grade.
I don't get that stressed about exams. I hate all the studying, but I'm pretty relaxed when I'm doing it and I'm not really nervous on test day. Admin was a massive exception. Last night around midnight I become convinced that I couldn't pass this test. Really, really convinced. Happily after thinking that the next few pages of what I was reading cleared a lot of things up and I got over it. But I have to admit, I had some serious concerns. And this morning when they were passing out the exams, I was nervous.
And now that I've seen the exam, it's clear that the nervousness and self-doubt was completely justified. Question 1? Insanity. Some people I know looked at question 1 and decided to do it last after they'd built up their confidence. Not me: I jumped right into it. And 45 minutes into the exam I became convinced that what I was writing about had nothing to do with the question. Not a good feeling, but by the end of the question the panic had been replaced with a general feeling of incompetence, so I'd call that an inprovement. The next two questions were a lot better; I seemed to have a better idea of what I was talking about. At least I thought so.
Overall? Tough to say. Definitely in the vicinity of trainwreck, but not complete carnage. I'd call it a derailment at slow speed with some injuries but no fatalities. In other words, it could have been worse.
What I need to say is this: Admin law is the source of all evil.
Next exam: That is IT for law school. As of noon today (ok 12:15 with reading time) I am no longer a law student. And I have no more exams. Unless you count the bar exam at the end of July. But I'll be getting paid for that, so...
Gut feeling: No way - I'm not even thinking about the bar exam yet. That would lead to insanity.