Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Almost Over

As I start this post, I've got 3 hours and 3 minutes before I finish my articling year. That might not be completely accurate - I technically finished articling when I left the office today. But I'm not eligible to take the oath to become a lawyer until midnight, so that's how I've set the countdown.

I started this blog in September 2005. So almost 3 years ago... I used to post pretty religiously, but lately not much at all. Actually, I'm a pretty crappy blogger lately. Weird, because this is the year I have to pay real money if I don't post enough. I was supposed to post 104 times this year and so far I'm at.... 8 posts? Maybe less.

Still, i have to make 104 or I owe my friend 150 bucks. I still say no problem. But enough about that...

The plan was to shut this blog down when I became a lawyer because this represented a certain time in my life: Law school and articling. I wanted a clean break with all that and I figured I could start a new blog while leaving this one.... dormant. Or something.

But now I don't know if I want to do that. So I'm going to take a poll... I'll go by the majority of votes I get by Sunday at noon, so just leave 'em in the comments section (I'll be surprised if I get even one....).

And about finishing articles, THANK GOD IT'S OVER. Now I can get on with life....


Blogger Unknown said...

Keep writing.

I know I'm a little late, but I'd like to know what you think. If it helps, I was traveling for all of June and uh... yea, I'm out of excuses.

Anyways, Darren... keep writing.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Darren said...

hey ada - i'm a little late responding to your comment. thanks for liking to know what i think - check out my new blog! and i hope you're doing well :)

3:16 PM  

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