Thursday, March 06, 2008

I can still control people with my mind.

Remember when I made the girl who lived upstairs from me move a few years back? No you probably don't. Okay here it is:

She was noisy, and we lived in a massive old house in the city that had been converted into a bunch of apartments. I was on the second floor and she was in the attic. When I say she was noisy, I mean she was really noisy. She would turn up the volume on her stereo so loud she wouldn't be able to hear me POUNDING on her door. Seriously.

So one day I was at my computer desk and I hear this banging coming from up there. It went on for a couple seconds but it was loud and annoying, like pretty much everything she did. I looked up at the ceiling and thought (actually I kind of yelled in my head - you know how it is): WHY DOESN'T SHE JUST MOVE?!

Then she stopped and I forgot about her. Later that day I was going out to my car, which was parked in the back so I had to go through the laundry room. I saw her there and said hi, and asked her what was up, and she says "I'm moving!". So I said to her "What? Really? Why?"

Okay this is the good part. She says something like: "I was on a stool banging in a nail to hang a picture this morning and I stopped and just decided I should move."

That, my friends, is how it went down.

The mind control thing didn't go off without any problems though. First, she didn't end up going anywhere for a few more months. And when she did move, she didn't go very far. Actually she didn't even leave the building. She moved from the apartment above me to the apartment below me, where she sat and chain smoked 18 hours a day. And the person who moved in to her old apartment upstairs was, arguably, even noisier than she was. So I moved.

Yeah. Me. I moved. But the apartment I had after that was the best one I ever lived in, so it wasn't a bad thing.

And now, when I really needed them, my mind control powers seem to be back up and running.

My roommate and I have been thinking about moving for a while, because we want to live closer to work, and for me, I want to live closer to the city. Our landlord had told me that if we wanted to break the lease he wouldn't charge us any money. But still, I felt bad about doing it, so I was holding off. Dallas (my roommate) and I had agreed to May 1st so I was thinking I would have to tell him soon.

A few days ago I was getting ready for work and I was thinking about the whole situation. I decided that what would be best would be if he had to move back in for some reason and kick us out.

Then I went to the office. And about 10:30 that morning I noticed I had a voicemail on my cell phone. It was my landlord. He and his girlfriend broke up. He needs to move back into his place. He's hoping May 1st will give us enough time to find something else.

This isn't made up. It's mind control, plain and simple.

My powers only seem to work for moving related matters. But still, if you want to make someone move, let me know.

In the meantime, I have to find a place to live. Dallas and I already agreed on the city and neighborhood. So now we just have to find something decent.

I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, okay I totaly remember that blog about the loud neighbour..
and I have the SAME problem except it is the apartment below me. He listens to his music with the BASS sooo loud!!!

I'm gonna move too. But if you are so talented you should make HIM move! haha

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but your posts here are no examples of mind control in the least.Just having some thoughts about someone in some room by yourself won't control anyone's mind.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I can control people with my mind too. Some guys seem to be weaker against my powers and I can influence them through my thoughts. Yrs ago I was casuially seeing this guy just every now and then but I wanted to see him more so I would concentrate hard and go call me Jeff call me Jeff over and over and imagine my words crashing into him and he would usually call within a day or 2 and currently a guy at work who I wanted to get closer to and talk with sometimes I also used it on. One day I kept repeating in my head for him to ask me to lunch and a few hrs later he did. I am such a scared weasel though who always wants something and doesnt know what to do with it when I get it that I told him maybe some other time. Well, things have progressed since then and sometimes I keep repeating in my head for him to message me and imagine the power slamming into him and he does a few min or hrs later. So yeah, I think there might be something to this. Or maybe not but I think so. And never tried it for other reasons besides guys....and the lottery, which hasnt worked so far.

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can also control people with my mind, but it is only when I look at them, and I never mean to. I always thought maybe I just knew what people were going to do ahead of time, then my friend read me a passage from a book she had read and said I am actually able to think something and make others do it through my mind, like it is a ligit thing. It's called magnetism. It's crazy. I have tried to do it on purpose now to test it, and it does work, on total strangers and people I know. Yet like the girl above it works better on some people than others. Some people I don't have to put much into it, just a simple passing thought. Some people I have to stare directly into their eyes and focus on what I want them to do without seeming like a complete creep, but since I am a chick most people dont find it weird that I am staring at them. I can do it with just a glance to and get someone to walk up to me. Just by looking at them once. It is crazy.

2:21 AM  

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