Tuesday, April 17, 2007

1 Down: International Trade Law

What would make this class easier: If there was no WTO or NAFTA, because we spent pretty much the whole term talking about that.

No. Wait... If there was no WTO or NAFTA every country would have to negotiate individual trade agreements with everybody they wanted to trade with. International trade law would be a mess, and most importantly, so would the exam. Ok I take it back. We'll keep the WTO and NAFTA. For now.

The exam: 2 questions - 1 long fact pattern worth 60 marks, the other, which was made up of about 11 short answer questions, was worth 40 marks. 2 hours long.

Worth: 100% of the final grade

This exam was just like the April 2005 exam. I mean, literally, it was just like it. I haven't checked yet, but i'm pretty sure most of the 11 short answer questions in part 2 were taken from the 2005 exam. It was so similar I had a moment of... something... where I thought something had gone very wrong and I had just been handed a copy of an old exam instead of the current exam. But then I checked the front page: April 2007.

The first question was pretty close to the 2005 exam too... I took way, way too long on the first one, but made up time at the end by making my short answers really short.

Next exam: Succession tomorrow morning.

Gut feeling: Not a trainwreck. I've already spent two days studying. But there's a lot of studying to be done today.


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