Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The promised update

And it will be a quick one:

Finals: It's not good, but it's easily doable. I've got all the CAN's I need, I've got some good notes... for some of the coures.... so I'm not too worried.

Phone: Found it! In the car.... thanks for the emails, phone calls, and cards of support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh in case you don't know already. The Islanders had 2 games remaining and if they won both those games then they would be in the playoffs and not Montreal or the Leafs, cause they only had that one game. So the Islanders won both their games and had 2 more points than both Habs and Leafs! ooh. Mom says Hi again!

ps. I thought I was the only one who read their own old posts!!!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

what's going to happen to the canucks?? i said before that if they lost game 5 they'd lose the series. and then they lost game 5...

say hi to your mom again. she should call me!!

5:43 PM  

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