Wednesday, January 31, 2007

75 Things I Don't LIke 2006

I know it's January, but these are the lists from 2006. I didn't get 'em done in time to post in December....

1. My cell phone bill
2. Mushrooms
3. Ostriches
4. Crows
5. Seagulls
6. Any non-standard meat
7. Annoying neighbours
8. The Apprentice
9. Hangovers
10. Plain potato chips
11. Dark chocolate
12. A professor I'm thinking of right now...
13. Stress
14. Extremism
15. Intolerance (except for the intolerance of hatred... that's fine)
16. The 300 or 400 bucks it costs to fix my laptop twice a year
17. Doing laundry
18. Paper cuts
19. Scorpions
20. Olives

21. The Hills Have Eyes (remake)
22. Hostel
23. Being hungry
24. Martini's Pizza (on Broadway)
25. Double standards
26. Taking the bus
27. Winter
28. Dating
29. Skipping the gym
30. Stopping for gas (unless snacks are involved)
31. Getting splashed by cars
32. Bad service (see #24)
33. Insomnia
34. Driving in the rain at night
35. Ingrown toenails
36. Being single
37. Being cold
38. Having a cold
39. Wednesdays (they're bad this term)
40. Scrabble

41. Administrative law
42. The Curtis building
43. Going through the border to the United States
44. Going through the border to Canada
45. Being asked to explain a case in class. Or being asked anything...
46. The Grudge II
47. Wanting a nap but having no time
48. The day before any final or paper is due
49. Fast lane slow drivers
50. How ABC canceled Invasion without wrapping up the story
51. Being behind in my readings all the time
52. People who don't forgive stupid crap
53. When it gets dark at 4:14 in the afternoon
54. Allergies
55. Thursdays (just the school part - the TV part is good)
56. When profs don't end class on time
57. Pushy people
58. Windows Live Messenger
59. Losing a debate
60. When cats attack

61. Most country music
62. Washing dishes
63. Waking up to an alarm clock
64. Rush hour (which lasts from 2 until 7 in Vancouver)
65. The cost of plane tickets
66. Dirty cars
67. When nothing happens on Lost
68. Not finishing books
69. Cold hands/cold feet
70. Reruns/rescheduling of tv shows
71. Acne. I hate this a lot. Especially bacne.
72. Cliffhangers!!
73. Being late for class
74. Craving food I can't have
75. Trying to think up 75 things I don't like


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally missed this post somehow..

anyways, i HATE birds too, mostly seagulls, when I went to New York to the statue of liberty some seagulls attacked me for my cookie, it was the most traumatic day of my life. Now I hate all birds.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Darren, you are so f'ing funny!!!! I love and miss you!!!
PLEASE please please let's get together.... that's not pushy is it??? I know you hate that...

6:28 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

i can't begin to convey the extent of my antipathy towards birds.

3 words: rats with wings. enough said.

and i fully understand how traumatic that would be!! seagulls sucks...

julie i love and miss you too we have to get together but not just say we're going to get together and not actually do it - we really have to get together!! so call me or email one of these days... i have a month to do nothing after april 26th so we should hang!!!

4:00 PM  

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