Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Miscellaneous crap...

Okay so I'm in my taxation classroom waiting for class to start and I've got half an hour. Yeah I know getting to class half an hour before it starts sounds dorky but I have to get here early so I have an outlet for my laptop. When they built the law building in 1975 I guess they didn't think eveyone would one day need a power outlet for their computer. They've since installed them in other classrooms but unfortunately not in this one, or in any of the others I'm in this term. And it doesn't help that my laptop battery sucks. I can get... maybe... an hour twenty if my wireless card is turned off and I don't have anything open except for microsoft word. So yeah, I hope my classrooms next term have been updated for this century.

In other law school news, Candida's finally reopened on Monday after the renovations that have kept it closed since school started. Candida's is the law school cafeteria that, for some reason, they decided to start renovating in September instead of during the summer when nobody was here. In the two and a half months it was closed, they built a wall and painted and basically changed things around. Notwithstanding the fact that it took a long time to do not very much at all, the basic problem remains: Candida's sucks. That's right, Candida's sucks. They deliver about three sandwiches by noon which sell out in about ten seconds. Okay that might be a slight exaggeration but you get my point. And when the sandwiches are gone? You can buy lemon bread, donuts, candy, soda, and other crap that will rot out your intestines and clog up your arteries faster than you can grope for the panic button on your medic alert unit. Even when they do have sandwiches they're loaded with fat. So I'm still stuck with going over to the SUB to get food and I'm almost at the breaking point where I'm going to start packing a lunch. Things have to be pretty serious for me to pack a lunch.

Because I spent a lot of time talking to people, I only have about three more mintues to write this post. So I'll just share a funny funny thing I saw on Yahoo today. Two news headlines, one under the other:

Texas Voters Approve Ban on Gay Marriage
San Francisco Voters Approve Ban on Handguns

This was so funny I thought maybe Yahoo did it on purpose. One group is concerned with getting rid of violence and the other group is concerned with banning unions. The truly ironic thing here is that the Texas voters probably think they hold the higher moral ground. Go figure...


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