Tuesday, October 18, 2005

75 things I don't like...

  1. The word “anyhoo” (meaning anyhow)
  2. Walking through a spider web; spider or no spider
  3. Dog’s that jump up and get my clothes dirty
  4. Potlucks
  5. Drivers and pedestrians who get in my way when I’m on my bike
  6. Cyclists and pedestrians who get in my way when I’m driving
  7. Drivers and cyclists who get in my way when I’m walking
  8. Still being drunk the next morning
  9. Olives (black or green)
  10. People in apartments who play music like they don’t have neighbors for miles
  11. People who park in my parking spot
  12. Narrow minded people who can’t think outside of their narrow experiences or consider new ideas or beliefs
  13. People with no empathy
  14. Still being drunk the next afternoon
  15. The word “tickety boo” (meaning things are going well). Click here. It's not really that common...
  16. Students who monopolize class time because they love the sound of their own voices
  17. Professors who let students monopolize class time
  18. Cat or dog hair anywhere except attached to a cat or dog
  19. On campus laptop wireless problems
  20. The taste of glutamine
  21. War
  22. The sappy bittersweet humor in some Robin Williams movies
  23. Most forms of organized religion
  24. The fact that MTV doesn’t play any music videos
  25. Ankle and knee pain after running
  26. Rude inconsiderate people at the gym
  27. The loud fan on my laptop
  28. Feeling guilty about not studying whenever I’m not studying
  29. Bad customer service
  30. People who are rude to people working in stores
  31. Guys who make fun of guys by saying they do something like a girl. What’s wrong with doing something like a girl?
  32. Girls who make fun of guys by saying they do something like a girl. WTF?!
  33. Catching all the red lights
  34. Renting a DVD that doesn’t work properly
  35. Ostriches
  36. People who drive slow in the passing lane
  37. The word “wonderbar” (meaning wonderful)
  38. Night classes
  39. Pushy people on the bus or Skytrain
  40. When my iPod cord gets caught on something and pulls the ear buds out of my ears
  41. Kenny G
  42. Taking out the garbage
  43. Lord of the Dance
  44. Overcrowded gyms
  45. Running out of time on exams. It happens a lot
  46. Paying to see a bad movie
  47. When it snows for a little while and then rains
  48. Computer viruses
  49. Non standard meats
  50. Trying to have a conversation with someone in a loud restaurant or bar
  51. Having to ask someone to repeat the same thing more than once because I can’t hear them
  52. Taking the Greyhound anywhere
  53. The price of software
  54. Bridge lineups. Especially north shore bridge lineups
  55. The price of iPod accessories
  56. Gorgonzola cheese
  57. The fact that this decade doesn’t have a name
  58. Future Shop. Grrrr…
  59. Michael Bolton
  60. That movie with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage where he’s an angel
  61. A sink full of dishes
  62. The allergies I get in May and June
  63. Winter except for skiing and the occasional snowstorm
  64. Cliffhangers
  65. Hypocrisy (see entry 23)
  66. Losing my keys
  67. Over analyzing the things people say and do
  68. When the Skytrain stops in the middle of nowhere fifty million feet above the ground for no apparent reason
  69. Any Halloween movie without Jamie Lee Curtis
  70. Radio stations that play more commercials than music
  71. Microwaves that are really really dirty inside
  72. The fat content in all my favorite foods
  73. Being late for class
  74. Mail in rebates
  75. The sound of the drill at the dentist


Blogger MAnderson said...

This list is a stroke of genius.
I, for one, can hardly wait for the list of 76 things you DO like.
But for now, I am finding enough entertainment on this list. But is it bad that i've been to a Kenny G concert? I admit it....although I'm not proud of it.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

It's okay Matt, we've all done things we're not proud of. The important thing is that you learn from your mistakes.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I was with you when you took that photo of Lions Gate Bridge. That's right, I'm cool!

4:31 PM  

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