Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Boredom is the sport of the day...

I have to say it. I don't want to say it, but I have to: Sports law is useless. I've been sitting here for almost two hours with my eyes glazed over trying to pay attention and not doing well at all. Okay so you're probably wondering if maybe it's me who's useless and not sports law. But it's not my fault. Seriously. Today's topic is franchise relocation and league expansion. Like usual, there's a group at the front of the class "leading the class discussion." I put that phrase in quotations because they're not really leading anything at all. They came to class with a powerpoint presentation and a lot of issues to discuss, but they're not getting very far. Why? Because the prof and his friends (who have been called co-professors, panelists, etc.) do most if not all of the talking. Every once in a while... say every twenty minutes... they pause and look at the group, which then attempts to move on. The group talks for about.... maybe one minute... and then it goes back to the panel. Twice in the last two hours someone from the class has jumped in with a comment, but the panel doesn't seem to take a lot of notice....

Anyway, the result is that there are a whole lot of people in this classroom with vacant expressions. It would be better if the panel would stay on topic but they seem to veer off into... other things. It's hard not to like the prof though; he's a nice guy. It's just hard to maintain some focus...

Okay well speaking of focus I'm going to try and pay attention for the next 30 minutes. Well, 29 minutes actually...


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