Tuesday, September 27, 2005

In sickness and in health...

I went out to my parents' place on Sunday to do the family dinner thing and stay over. While there I contracted some sort of virus. It was strange the way it came on. I got there at 11:40. A little after 1 my nose began to run. I had to grab kleenex three times between 1 and 2, and then about 2:15 I sneezed. I sneezed again about five minutes later and that was the first time it occurred to me that I might be coming down with something. By 3:38 I was headachy and I knew for sure that I had... something.

That 'something' turned out to be the 55 hour and 2 minute flu. I'm calling it that because now, at 8:02pm on Tuesday, I'm calling it off. My nose is still a bit runny but aside from that and a slight compulsion to listen to Jamiroquai I feel pretty normal.

Yesterday was the big flu day. I had to go to a wine and cheese event last night and I was feeling pretty ill. Because I'm on the articling committee I volunteered to go early and help sort nametags into alphabetical order. I know it doesn't sound very exciting, but I enjoy the alphbet and the challenges it presents. So yeah, the event started at 6 but I went down at 5 and my plan was to be out of there at 6:10 so I could come home and get back into bed. There was one firm that I wanted to talk to there but I didn't think it would take long. What happened though, was actually quite different. The firm I went to talk to had a lot of people there and I talked to them for over an hour and then they invited me to dinner. That was great because going to dinner with a firm means that I get to talk to them a lot and then hopefully they'll give me an interview.

The down side was that I was critically ill. My back was killing me and all the other aforementioned symptoms were present and accounted for. And the most difficult part was pretending that I wasn't sick at all. I had to! I'm no expert but I'm willing to bet real money that infecting the hiring partners with influenza is no way to get hired. But I got through it and managed to have a good time. Plus, as an added bonus, they sent each of us home with a bottle of wine. Not that I can drink it... but I'm saving it for new years.

So anyway I got home at midnight, downed a couple packages of neo citran, some advil cold and sinus, and fell into a thick, drug induced sleep. It was great... and I woke up this morning with the feeling that this too would pass. Nonetheless I cancelled everything I had to do today so I could stay home and rest. I got through my readings for tomorrow, wrote a research proposal, and decided what I was going to write about for another one I have to do. Not too bad as far as productivity goes on a sick day...

But anyway, it's almost 9... Amazing Race time. The first episode of family edition... I'm not holding out much hope but I'll keep ya posted. Seriously, the best thing on TV these days is the Young and the Restless. Well okay Apprentice is good too. And Survivor is okay so far. But enough about that...


Blogger Michelle said...

Lucky bastard - I've had it for 332 hours, 23 minutes and it's still going strong. And, what did you think of Family Amazing Race? I loved the increase in yelling with four people!

7:17 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

No I take it all back... the cold stayed. I couldn't get rid of it. It's Thursday night and I think it's over now but I'm not sure. I'll know in the morning. Wish me luck.

12:28 AM  
Blogger MAnderson said...

DARREN! Would you just feel better already! Or ELSE.....i don't know what else...but you get the idea.

3:16 PM  

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