Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's all about procrastination...

Why can't I get anything done? Why is it that I come to school, head straight for the library, sit down, fully intend to start researching and writing, but then (a) do meaningless internet stuff, (b) stare into space thinking about irrelevant crap, or (c) sleep? I need to get moving but it's like I... just... can't. I'm in the computer lab right now because my laptop is getting serviced. They said they'd have it back to me today and I hope they do, because nothing is more irritating than not having my laptop when I need it. And I always need it.

Okay, enough procrastination. Seriously I mean it this time. I'm going to hit the 'post' button and find some articles/cases for my sports law paper. After I find them I can read them, take notes on them, figure out what else I need, and finally start writing. It's just a matter of getting moving. So here I go...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darren you are so funny, I love that about you!!!

12:53 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I understand the procrastination. It's such an easy thing to do. You have all these great intentions, lists, schedules, etc, but it's just so easy to sit on your butt and watch TV or read a fiction novel or surf the web, the whole time thinking "I'll get to that important stuff right after I finish this".

8:29 AM  
Blogger Darren said...

haha yeah i suck at getting things done right now. i seem to be in some kind of hibernation stage where my body shuts down whenever i try to work. seriously. i sit down... start researching... and pass out. it's like some misdirected defense mechanism.

and yeah, the lists! i make a lot of lists and schedules and they look so good on paper (or on the screen actually) but when it comes to actually doing them? doesn't happen.

1:30 PM  

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