Whales dolphins and fish of all sizes...
My friend Roby is here visiting from Italy until May 15th. I've been trying to balance entertaining him with getting all the stuff done that I needed to do but didn't get done during April when I had finals. He got here last Wednesday, which was the day before my last final. That was a late night of studying. Ok so anyway we went to the aquarium yesterday, which was pretty cool. I don't know if it was 18.50 each worth of cool, but there were a lot of fish. Here are a couple pics and a video I took...
This is the first nations whale art at the entrance.
These things look like worms but they're really little eels. They live in the sand with their heads sticking out looking for food. I couldn't use the flash inside and needed to put the camera right against the side of the tank. The problem with that is my camera says there's not enough light and uses its night settings, so if anything moves it just shows up as a blur. Luckily in this picture the middle eel wasn't moving.
This is just a big yellow bird.
That furry shape in the tree is a sloth. The picture isn't great but what you see is pretty much what we saw. I used to see sloths in the trees in Costa Rica when we were in port there. They move really really slow it's cool (and time consuming) to watch them.
This crocodile looks fake but I saw it move. I took the picture from behind the plastic or glass wall thing so it didn't turn out that great.
The dolphin show was pretty cool... I was surprised how smart they are. I think I'd like to have a pet dolphin. Hmm...
The trainer calls it and it comes right out of the water and sits on the platform. Happily they did it twice because I missed it with my camera the first time.
There are about 3 or 4 beluga whales at the aquarium and this white lumpy shape is one of them. I have a video and if I can make it work you've probably already seen it above this post.
These otters (um... this is an otter right?) were swimming around on their backs and somehow I got this shot, which was a total fluke. I had to hold the camera way above my head to get above the plexi glass surrounding the water and I couldn't see the LCD screen. Ok it wasn't my first attempt, but still....

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