Friday, January 06, 2006

One week down... thirteen to go

Let the countdown begin. Again. But this time I'm counting down to summer... which at this point is bascially a big question mark waiting at the end of the term. Why a question mark? Because I don't know what I'm doing for that four month void between classes. This will be my last summer ever as a student... well... it better be. So what to do? My choices are basically this: Get a job at a law firm, travel, or do nothing. It would be good to make some money so over the next few weeks I'm sending out a lot of applications to small firms. I didn't get any offers... um... or interviews... at the big firms when I sent out my applications in the fall. Actually, I only applied at 3, which might not have been the best way to get a job, but I'm sending out a lot more applications this time.

I've already decided that I'm not going to do anything non-law related for the summer... for one thing I'm too old to work at the museum or any other government subsidized summer student position. Yeah, 30 is the maximum age and I passed that little milestone last August. So if I don't get a job at a firm my second choice of a summer activity will be travelling.

I want to go to England to see my relatives... and it would be great to go back to Italy for a while. But I'm going to have to check out the money situation pretty closely because that could get damn expensive fast. So if travelling falls through... I might end up doing surprisingly little. Not that I could ever do absolutely nothing for 4 months. I'd probably do some volunteer work and maybe learn something new... I don't know. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, week one is finished, even though it was only a part week (we started on Wednesday). Here's what I'm taking this term:

1. Secured transactions
2. Commercial transactions
3. US law
4. Civil litigation
5. Corporations I

Pretty exciting huh? Yeah don't be jealous.


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