Monday, December 19, 2005

Emails to the future...

There's a new website called that lets people send emails to themselves in the future. You enter the destination email address, your message, and the date you want the message delivered. You can choose any delivery date between today and 30 years in the future. I find this disturbing yet compelling. Today I sent myself an email to be delivered June 10, 2007, congratulating myself on finishing school. I'm thinking of sending one futher ahead, but this is where the disturbing part comes in. Do I really want to be sitting there in the future... say in 2025... 51 years old... and discover an email one day from my 31 year old self? Would this be a good thing? I don't know, but I'm probably going to do it anyway. I figure there's a good chance I'll have the same email address...

I also want to send email to some of my friends in the future, but the potential for weirdness is even greater. What if I'm dead? Seriuosly, what if I die and then five years later there's an email, from me, waiting in someone's inbox. That's messed up.

What I really need is something that lets me send emails to the past. Like if my 2007 self could respond to my 2005 self, I'd ask him to attach all the papers I wrote in second and third year law school so I could just hand in the finished product without researching and writing. Would that be cheating? I don't know... the papers would be mine. Anyway, if I see something like that, I'll be all over it.


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