Friday, January 13, 2006

Two weeks down... twelve to go

I had a prof that kept the class twenty minutes late this week. Crazy huh? I don't think he realized how much of an outrage that is. I would have left but I figured he'd say something important and then I'd miss it and then it would be on the final.... things have a way of working out that way.

I got my grades back today. Overall my average is up over last year but I still don't seem to be able to write exams THAT well. I did way better on my papers.... I wrote three papers last term. I only have one class with a paper this term so I guess I better figure out this exam thing.

I also got my laptop back today.... seriously I hate it when it's not here. Have I said that before? And this time it works right... no fan that sounds like a jet engine!! So yeah, it's been pretty quiet around here for the last few days without the laptop roaring.... it's made me realize just how loud my neighbors are. Okay actually I knew that before.

So how loud are they? Really really really loud sometimes. Which reminds me of the other thing I take for granted that I haven't talked about yet: Silence from above. Sometimes my neighbor upstairs plays her music so loud I can't hear my own tv. Seriously it's that loud. It's so loud that when I go up there to ask her to turn it down she can't hear me at the door. She lives in a studio, which means she is in the room when I'm knocking. There's no other place she could be. And even though I pound on the door very very loudly she still can't hear me. I have to wait until the pause between songs to knock. Now, if she lived in a 1,500 square foot house I could understand not hearing someone at the door when the music's turned up. But when you live in a 350 square foot studio and you can't hear someone at the door.... which has to be only a few feet away from where you are... that's a problem. So the times when she's NOT doing that... like right now.... I really should appreciate these times more.


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