Friday, June 29, 2007


On Thursday and Friday we did a unit on mediation. It's a light reading unit, which is good because it followed corporations and commercial law, which were both heavy reading units. Aaaaand we're starting with family law next week - more heavy reading. This'll be my first exposure to family law because I didn't take it in law school. I was going to take it in the second semester of third year, but it was on Mondays at 9am. This would have ruined my 3 and a half day weekend, so I dropped it.

Mediation is fairly interesting. I took a course on dispute resolution in my second year of law school, and it's something I think I'd be happy doing. But... it could be a problem for me dealing with people who are fighting day in and day out. I'd probably go all Rodney King on them (can't we all just get along?) and ruin my reputation.

So, it's Friday night, and I'm all psyched up to do a bunch of work this weekend. I'm a little behind... not much, but a little. If I don't catch up this weekend, I'm not going to catch up because there's not enough time.

Wish me luck.


Blogger Neil said...

Hey Darren.

Both family and conflict/dispute resolution are fascinating areas. I started in the former and I am now moving into the latter with wonderful results and exciting prospects ahead - just been offered partnership in my firm as a result!

The great thing about resolution work is its wide application.

I've started a blog recently - - where I can riff on resolution themes and ideas. Have a look and hopefully it might give you a few angles past the text book cliches of "Win-win solutions" and "Interest based negotiations."

Good luck with the course and all that it might lead to.

If you want to talk this through then just get in touch via the comments!


1:53 AM  
Blogger Darren said...

hey bud thanks for the insight! i'll check out your blog. i do find the whole area of dispute resolution to be very interesting.

and yeah, lot's of cliches - "separate the people from the problem" and "focus on interests not positions" come to mind... and plenty more.

i could see myself getting into it at some point after i jump through all the 'becoming a lawyer' hoops and get some experience.

and congrats on your partnership!

8:17 PM  

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