Friday, September 01, 2006

September 1: The Beginning of the End

Summer's over. Yeah I know, it doesn't officially end until the 21st or something like that. But seriously, once September 1st and Labour Day weekend are here, summer as we know it is dead. But you know what? It's okay. Why? Not because the weather will turn cold and it'll rain for eight months. That's not okay at all. It's good because it means I can get my last year of school... or let's just say my last eight months of school... over with.

It's hard to believe this is my last year of school, and in exactly 236 days, 14 hours and 18 minutes I'll be putting down my pen after finishing my last final. Of course I'll still have the bar exam to look foward to, but I'm not going to start worrying about that yet.

I'm not trying to say I dislike law school. Actually, there are a lot of things I really like about it, like days without classes, the social side of it, and hell, the learnin's not so bad either. It's just time to move on and get finished with being a student.

So I guess you're on the edge of your seat wondering what I'm taking this year. I don't blame you, cause it's pretty exciting. I listed the courses a while back, but for anyone who might have missed them (haha anyone... I've got like 2 readers), here's a recap:

Administrative law
Family law
Comparative constitutional law
Immigration law
Real estate transactions
Professional responsibility

The prof for the comparative constitutional class already emailed 107 pages of reading to have done for the first class... half the students in that class are at Penn State and the American Bar Association says their semester has to be 14 weeks... and ours is only 12... so I guess we have to catch up with them - hence the 107 pages of summertime reading, which I'm going to do because this year I'm going to stay caught up. Yeah right.... I think I've said that before.


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