Friday, July 07, 2006


I went to Victoria for an articling interview last week. I didn't get the position, but it's ok. I don't think I was that convincing that I want to live in Victoria. Anyway here are some pics... taken with the old camera. And part of the time something was spilt on the lens so... yeah that kinda sucks. Anyway here they are...

Finally a real picture of my car...

And another one...

And thanks to this little connector thing I bought, I can listen to my ipod in the car...

This is a horse... they play up the old British feel of Victoria with a lot of British looking stuff.

The Empress hotel has been a famous Victoria landmark for millions of years.

This is where BC's Legislative Assembly works their magic. The building was built in 1897 and at the time it was the tallest building north of San Francisco. Hm... So I guess that means taller than anything in Seattle, Portland, or Vancouver. Or anywhere else. Hm... anyway, that's what the webpage says. It was also the first building in Canada to have electric lights.

I got there way early so I drove around a bit. This is somewhere close to the city... Beacon Hill Park maybe? Not sure... but it was pretty.

Same place, looking... uh.... the other direction...

After the interview I made a b-line for the ferry. Ok actually I took a wrong turn and ended up making a b-line for Duncan. But eventually I figured it out and turned around and then I made a b-line for the ferry. But... my detour had cost me about 20 minutes and I missed the 2 o'clock ferry by five minutes. So I had to wait for the 3 o'clock ferry... This isn't actually a picture of the ferry, but it IS a picture of the terminal taken by me FROM the ferry.

There are about a million little islands between the mainland and Vancouver Island. I don't know what any of them are called and I've never been to any of them, but I always wonder what the peoople live on them do. Do they have cars? Electricity? Anything other than the bare essentials necessary to eke out a living? Probably. Still, I wonder...

These people have a lighthouse and a flag. So they probably have some other good stuff too...

I don't think anybody lives on this one. I like it though...

By the way, the new camera takes great video BUT the clips are way too big to do anything with. I took a video that was 2 minutes and 30 seconds long.... 170 megs!!! If someone knows how to resize video please let me know, because I don't seem to be able to do it. And no, I don't have a mac :(

And I'm THROUGH posting little pics on the left and right side of the screen and trying to position them with the text. It's impossible.


Blogger Michelle said...

Very nice car Darren - much better than my car!

8:32 AM  

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