Monday, June 12, 2006

where's my camera where's my camera where's my camera

I used my airmiles to order a new digital camera four weeks ago today. They said to allow for three to four weeks delivery time and I did. I allowed three, and as of today, I've allowed four. But there's been a bit of impatience along the way... I phoned them last week, just to check up on it. They said it would be delivered today, and I was kind of impressed by that. I would expect them to know the dispatch date, but the delivery date? Impressive. Well... it's 1:31 and the camera still isn't here, so I'll wait for a buzz before getting too impressed.

I didn't even go to the gym this morning because I didn't want to miss them. And, because my chances of making it to the gym decrease dramatically after about noon, it's unlikely I'll be going at all now... but missing the gym will be worth it if the camera gets here today. And they said it would right? Yeah... not worried yet.


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