Saturday, June 24, 2006

Catching up...

The thing about blogging is, when I have time to do it, I have nothing to say. I guess that's because I'm doing nothing and hence I have time. When stuff starts happening, I don't have time and the blog suffers. That's just the way it is. But here's an attempt to start catching up on what's going on with me these days...

My parents bought a new 50 inch LCD high def TV a couple weeks ago... a move inspired by the world cup. And although I experienced blinding jealousy for a while, they gave me their old TV, so it all worked out pretty okay for me too. Their *old* TV, by the way, is only 6 months old. So compared to MY old TV, which was about 12 years old, this TV is brand spanking new.

Surprisingly though, one new TV brought with it a lot of change. The original plan was simple:

1. Remove original TV
2. Replace with new TV
3. View programming

Easy right? Well, I ran into problems at 1. I had a TV stand for my old TV, which was a lot smaller than the one I was getting. So I measured the stand and realized the new TV would be hanging off a couple inches in each direction. Not a good idea, especially in that corner of the room where the floor slopes a bit... the thought of the TV going face first into the corner of the coffee table was not good, so I decided to get a new stand.

So I went to Ikea and got a new stand. I figured I should get something that holds all the other equipment too, so I could ditch the 80s stereo cabinet that had been holding everything. I got it home, built it... which is the best part about buying furniture at Ikea... and moved it into place...

Where it came out so far I was only left with about an inch of clearance between the TV stand and the coffee table. Bad bad bad bad bad. So that pretty much messed up the rest of the day, and I think every piece of furniture in the livingroom was against every wall in the livingroom at some point. Big mess. Sometime during the whole debacle I realized that before I got the new stand, I had had the maximum amount of furniture I could have in a room that big. The new TV stand with its extra couple inches of depth threw everything into chaos and basically sent the camel into a body cast. That's right, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. The mess was monumental, comparable only to the day I moved in. Seriousy, it took me that whole day and part of the next to get everything cleaned up.

And one new TV basically made the livingroom go from this...

To this...

So yeah, a lot of work, but all worth it. And the coffee table? Now it's the TV stand in the bedroom that also holds the fan and the video games.

By the way, I sleep with a fan on every night. All year long. Is that normal? The noise drowns out other tenants, cars, and pretty much everything else...


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