Friday, July 14, 2006

Still Alive...

I haven't been posting that much lately... even though I've got a lot of stuff to say. I think because I have to blog a lot at work I'm all blogged out by the time I get home. So here's a quick update....

I registered for six of my third year classes and I'm going to register for the other four on Friday. Here's the third year line up, and read carefully because I'm going to be spending a lot of time complaining about these classes in the next nine months:

Comparative Constitutional Law
Professional Responsibility
Administrative Law
Family Law
Real Estate Law
Immigration Law

I'm also learning how to deal with rejection. Actually, it might be more accurate to say I'm learning how to ignore rejection. I get letters every day from firms that say a lot of nice stuff which pretty much translates to "Take off! We reject you!" I average about two letters a day. Today, though, I was out at my parents all day. One good thing about that, I thought, was that it would be a rejection-free day. So I check my email, and some firm had emailed me a rejection letter. It's a good thing I can see the humour in all this. Besides, the rejection is probably good for me. Builds character and all that...

And it's not like I'm totally interviewless... I had one a couple weeks ago and I've got another one coming up on the 25th. And really, all I need is one position. So the rejection letters don't matter if I just get one.

Ok well enough about that.... I'm putting in an extra day at the museum this week, and that day is tomorrow. And that day will start early.... so goodnight...


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